Sunday 4 December 2011

Knitting with colour and adding relief.

I have been continuing with my knitting and thoroughly enjoying it. Despite being able to appreciate the time and slow pace of creation through weaving, there is something equally fulfilling about the quickness of knitting and the ability to experiment with techniques whilst seeing the results almost instantaneously without the constraints of a warp, threading plan etc. I have often been torn between the two and I believe the ability to flit between both specialisms as well as being able to screenprint is something that ENSCI should be applauded for.

The Munch painting provided inspiration for my colour palette I believe I have been able to capture its atmosphere through the careful combination of yarns and the fusion of shades of colour. I am really pleased with the flecked colour within this different Cote Knit samples.

Experimenting with the Plissé and flotté techniques has allowed me to add texture and form into some of my pieces which could form the basis into a whole host of 3D ideas. I am looking forward to Monday's class when we will learn further techniques based on colour, e.g. to create a cloth with a different colour each side.

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