Monday 9 January 2012

Goodbye Paris

I have been back a few weeks now and am about to start back in Chelsea. I know this will be a rather large shock to the system as the way of teaching here is completely different- a lot more freedom, less informed and less structured. I am worried that I am behind on my second terms work and will struggle to get back into the swing of things but in no way would I have changed my choice to study abroad if allowed to rewind time.

Paris was an incredible city to experience, its flavors, sights, sounds and secrets never ceased to amaze and entertain me. The language was certainly a challenge but by december I really felt I had managed to crack it a little, by which time my departure was unfortunately imminent.

Experiencing a textile degree being taught within a different culture introduced me to a whole new perspective as regards to the importance of skills and knowing your subject inside out before trying to accomplish more complex ideas. Incredible things can be attained but one must first learn the basic foundations in order to build and expand ideas thoroughly and experimentally.

My term abroad was not easy. It was rather like going into a forest with a blindfold on. Arriving at the school and no one knowing who I was or where I was to go didn't really help! There were times when I really had no idea what was asked of me or why I was doing something wrong. But despite all this, I made some incredible friends, experienced things beyond my wildest dreams and have gained more love and devotion to my chosen field of study.

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